About the Convention

In the rapidly evolving media landscape and as radio broadcasting remains a cornerstone of information, education, and entertainment across Africa, Digital-enabled radio broadcasting holds the promise of improving both the quantity and quality of content available while also increasing the number of people able to access and listen to new radio services.

BMA, in collaboration with the Southern Africa Broadcasting Association (SABA), is proud to have convened the 5th Edition of the “Radio And Digital Sound Broadcasting Summit – Africa 2024”.

With the theme “Radio And Digital Sound – Using Technology To Deliver Content Listeners Want,” this high-level industry summit is the premier event for broadcasters, platform owners, content creators, and policymakers in the African market. It is designed to help bridge traditional broadcasting with digital innovation, ensuring radio’s continued relevance in the digital and artificial intelligence age.

Focusing on helping to shape the future of digital-enabled radio and sound broadcasting in Africa, the landmark event will showcase and evaluate current innovations in radio and digital sound content delivery, charting the path forward that aligns with the preferences and needs of modern listeners.

The raison d’etre of this industry event is to successfully harness digital technologies to create and deliver content that resonates deeply with listeners in Africa.

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